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Hello, everyone! Long time no hear from. And long time no see, considering the pandemic and lockdowns.

I forgot to mention a story sale to be published in summer 2020, and that was because due to Covid, the publication was postponed until THIS summer. The sale was to the anthology Seasons Between Us, edited by Lucas Law and Susan Forest. The anthology features 23 SF/F writers writing about the seasons of life and coping with journeys of growing older. “From the moment of birth, through each threshold of our lives, to the moment we take our last breath, we age. Some of us leap into a hopeful future, some cling to the knowns of our former selves, some wander obliviously through the minefields and poppies of change. Something is lost, something is gained in each season. Things forgotten, things remembered.”  [From the book description.]

I don’t have a cover to share yet, due to postponement and distribution workarounds. But I’ll share when I have it! Possibly you might head over to the publishers’ page, where they have the little teaser I have below. And maybe you’ll find some other cool books.

And now for something completely different. BACK TO BACK POSTS ON THE SAME DAY. And why not? I’ve been quite remiss in keeping things from getting too cobwebby on this site. . .

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