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Unfettered 3

My story “Hawkeye” was published in this anthology. A very limited edition is also forthcoming.

From the editor of the award-winning anthology Unfettered comes the newest installment in the science fiction and fantasy series, Unfettered III.

Lacking health insurance when he was diagnosed with cancer, Shawn Speakman asked friends in the science fiction and fantasy writing community to donate short stories he could use to counter mounting medical debt. The result was Unfettered, an anthology offering tales from some of the best authors working today.

Now, in Unfettered III, Speakman continues to pay forward the aid he received, raising money to combat medical debt for SF&F artists and authors. He has gathered together a great mix of new and favorite writers―free to write what they like―the result a powerful new anthology perfect for all readers.

Be haunted by the chilling ghost story of Megan Lindholm. Revisit the Arthurian legend in a wholly new way with Lev Grossman. Return to Osten Ard in an epic first look at Tad Williams’s Empire of Grass. Both Katherine Arden and Callie Bates share stories of magical mayhem. Cross the sands of the desert planet Dune with Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. Travel the Ways with Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson. And many more stories, all wondrous alongside beautiful art by Todd Lockwood!

    • Katherine Arden, Callie Bates, Delilah S. Dawson, Jason Denzel, David Anthony Durham, Lev Grossman, John Gwynne, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson, Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson, Mark Lawrence, Megan Lindholm (Robin Hobb), Seanan McGuire, Naomi Novik, Peter Orullian, Cat Rambo, Robert V.S. Redick, Ken Scholes, Scott Sigler, Anna Smith Spark, Shawn Speakman, Anna Stephens, Patrick Swenson, Ramon Terrell, Marc Turner, Carrie Vaughn, Tad Williams, Deborah A. Wolf

Unfettered III is sure to astound with the magic bound within its pages. All the while raising money for a charitable cause.

Because protecting our artists and authors is as important as the stories they tell.

There are various ways to order the trade hardcover. See the Purchase links at left.


"Although the magic develops with the story, Swenson avoids the deus ex machina with which gardened short stories can sometimes wrap themselves up. There is a pleasingly sharp twist and a satisfying resolution to the mystery that would have graced a Sherlock Holmes tale."


"I think this is a wonderful anthology to pick up because it has a sampling of at least 28 authors that all have works published and can be found on bookshelves. If you want to try out new authors, Unfettered 3 is an excellent way to discover them. It’s also a nice way to re-discover old favorites."