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The Ultra Big Sleep is in the hands of my agent after another editing pass and incorporating some first reader comments. More comments from readers are still coming, but I needed to at least get the book and a synopsis out there so my agent can pitch it to my editor.

I realize, at this very moment, I’ve not even thought about the short elevator pitch for this sequel. Hmmm. I’ll work on that.

My agent came up with a great one for The Ultra Thin Man after it sold to Tor, so we could announce it in various venues. It’s now the 2nd sentence of my summary on the front page of my site, interspersed between Tor’s own summary.

Hurry up and wait. Not much I can do now with this book. If I get more comments from first readers that are crucial, I can still get them in and resend the file before my editor reads the book. Or even after he reads, if he’s interested in it.

I could work on book three. That is, once my seat-of-the-pants writing process throws me a title and comes up with that first inciting WTF moment. I’ve also thought about writing a short story with my main characters from book one. I’ve not done a lot of short story writing in a loooong time. Maybe it would be good for me to give it a whirl.

Meanwhile, I ought to be seeing my own copies of the trade paperback version of book one pretty soon!

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